When you hear the phrase, ‘traditional Easter holiday’, what type of thoughts come to mind? Generally I flash back to my childhood days. I remember coloring eggs and placing them in my cherished Easter basket. When I was growing up we did not get a new basket each year. Instead, my brothers, sister and I each had our own basket that we treasured, and used over and over again. I remember that the boys’ baskets were bigger and bulkier looking. Mine and my sister’s were smaller and pastel in color, and had a more delicate appearance.
For my siblings and me, decorating our baskets and coloring the Easter eggs was an important event. We always ended the evening by writing a letter to The Easter Bunny. It’s funny though, I really don’t remember if we planned to mail those letters or what – I just remember that writing them was important and it was fun. I also remember that some Easter mornings we would find that The Easter Bunny had actually left us a note. That was always special.
Easter morning for us kids would always start early. It was a lot like Christmas – only our parents did not bother to get up early with us. Instead we would happily carry our baskets into their room to show them our goodies.
Easter Sunday always meant a large breakfast, followed by church, and then Sunday Dinner. Some years dinner was a family event, held at my grandma’s house. And other years we would simply eat at home. But every year included an Easter egg hunt and eating too much candy.
When raising my own children we had our personalized traditions. Of course, we did the usual things like coloring eggs, writing letters to The Easter Bunny, and having Easter egg hunts. But our main event was a trip to the zoo on Easter Sunday. My children have continued this tradition with their own kids.
Now that I am a grandma Easter has a different spin. I treasure all holidays because they offer an opportunity to spend quality time with the ones I love the most. To me, aside from the true foundations of holidays, that is why they are important and meaningful.
This Easter will include observance of religious significance of the day, followed by family time. I will prepare a ‘traditional’ Easter Sunday Dinner. We’ll all eat too much. The kids will run and play. And by the end of the day I will be tired but feeling blessed and grateful. It will be a good day!
My Traditional Easter Holiday
The Craft Box Saves Time, Money, When Decorating And Makes Writing Letters To The Easter Bunny Fast And Easy
When it comes to Easter most of us do at least a little decorating and planning. And nowadays we can easily purchase ready-made decorations at our local department stores. But the truth is that most of us have little extra money to spend on decorations for the holiday – instead, our focus is doing whatever we can to make the holiday more meaningful for all concerned. However, if you have children in your home you are likely to find that in order to please them you will need to be a little more creative with your ideas.
In my opinion, one of the important things for every home with children is a well-stocked craft box. This can be any type of container at all as long as it is big enough to hold the items you have available. In fact, some people even have a ‘craft closet’ or pantry. If you are like me you will find that your craft box offers savings when it comes to decorating but also, it can be a true time saver because everything is all in one place. Plus, the children in your home will love the idea that they can easily create wonderful craft projects at almost anytime.
You will want to continuously be adding items to this box. A nicely supplied craft box will include bits of fabric of various sorts and pieces of ribbon, lace, and other trimmings. You may want to purchase cards of the small eyes that can be used in crafting animals and even some buttons. Other items you can add include small artificial flowers, glitter, construction and other craft paper, crayons, stationery, old greeting cards, stickers, markers, glue, tape, wire, bows, pipe cleaners, and even some inexpensive or broken jewelry pieces. Styrofoam can often be used in craft projects so I always suggest that you save pieces of this product when you can. Even some bottle caps and other small discarded items can be useful crafting supplies.
The idea is to have the supplies available so that when your imagination is at its most creative points you have what you need to create. The craft box should help to inspire you and simplify crafting projects.
A good example is when the children you love decide to write their treasured letters to The Easter Bunny. If you are unprepared you will need to find appropriate paper and pens, pencils, crayons, etc. just so the children can get started writing the letters. Then, when the children finish writing their Easter Bunny letters and ask how they can or should decorate them you will again need to scurry about to find suitable decorating supplies.
If on the other hand you have a craft box, everything needed will be conveniently located, all in one place, with no hassle or stress involved. The children will be able to create wonderful letters that will help them feel more secure that receiving personalized letters from The Easter Bunny is a sure thing. After all, he wouldn’t ignore a beautifully decorated letter!
The craft box will hold the things needed to add wonderful details to the cherished Easter Baskets. And another fun way to add to the Easter decorating fun is to glue small things to the beautifully colored Easter eggs. You can easily glue on small bits of lace or ribbon or even add glitter or buttons to the eggs. There is no rule that says your Easter should look everyone else’s. Teach your children to be original and motivate them to use the creativity that lives within them. By nurturing this creativity throughout their childhood they are more likely to refine and build on their talents.
In my opinion, one of the important things for every home with children is a well-stocked craft box. This can be any type of container at all as long as it is big enough to hold the items you have available. In fact, some people even have a ‘craft closet’ or pantry. If you are like me you will find that your craft box offers savings when it comes to decorating but also, it can be a true time saver because everything is all in one place. Plus, the children in your home will love the idea that they can easily create wonderful craft projects at almost anytime.
You will want to continuously be adding items to this box. A nicely supplied craft box will include bits of fabric of various sorts and pieces of ribbon, lace, and other trimmings. You may want to purchase cards of the small eyes that can be used in crafting animals and even some buttons. Other items you can add include small artificial flowers, glitter, construction and other craft paper, crayons, stationery, old greeting cards, stickers, markers, glue, tape, wire, bows, pipe cleaners, and even some inexpensive or broken jewelry pieces. Styrofoam can often be used in craft projects so I always suggest that you save pieces of this product when you can. Even some bottle caps and other small discarded items can be useful crafting supplies.
The idea is to have the supplies available so that when your imagination is at its most creative points you have what you need to create. The craft box should help to inspire you and simplify crafting projects.
A good example is when the children you love decide to write their treasured letters to The Easter Bunny. If you are unprepared you will need to find appropriate paper and pens, pencils, crayons, etc. just so the children can get started writing the letters. Then, when the children finish writing their Easter Bunny letters and ask how they can or should decorate them you will again need to scurry about to find suitable decorating supplies.
If on the other hand you have a craft box, everything needed will be conveniently located, all in one place, with no hassle or stress involved. The children will be able to create wonderful letters that will help them feel more secure that receiving personalized letters from The Easter Bunny is a sure thing. After all, he wouldn’t ignore a beautifully decorated letter!
The craft box will hold the things needed to add wonderful details to the cherished Easter Baskets. And another fun way to add to the Easter decorating fun is to glue small things to the beautifully colored Easter eggs. You can easily glue on small bits of lace or ribbon or even add glitter or buttons to the eggs. There is no rule that says your Easter should look everyone else’s. Teach your children to be original and motivate them to use the creativity that lives within them. By nurturing this creativity throughout their childhood they are more likely to refine and build on their talents.
Spring Cleaning, Easter And New Beginnings
Easter is one of the traditional times of year that we think about cleaning. This is partly because it is spring time and spring is when we are ready to come out of our winter funk and prepare for fresh new beginnings.
The truth is that if you live in an area that gets cold during the winter, you have probably had your home closed up for months with the intent of keeping it warm – and of course, saving on your utility expenses. But when we begin seeing the birds return and building their nests and flowers sprouting up from the ground, we are ready to freshen our homes. It is finally safe to open a window or two without fear of letting in freezing cold air.
If you happen to be planning to have guests stay in your home during the Easter holiday then you will surely want to do a little extra cleaning before their arrival. After all, you want your home to look good so that it will be more welcoming and a more comfortable place for your guests, but you also want to insure that you will have time to spend with your company without stressing about cleaning during their stay.
Because you are organizing and cleaning up you may decide that it is the perfect time to clean out some of the things you have accumulated over the last year or years. And because the weather is warmer you might want to have a yard sale with some of those items. This can be a great way to earn a little extra cash that can be used to add to your Easter fun.
After all, Easter is an enjoyable holiday because we spend time with friends and family and because it has a special meaning to us. But as unfortunate as it may be, the things we can do and provide for fun usually require money. And therefore, in some cases at least, the more money you have to spend the more fun you will have.
However, it is true that there are lots of inexpensive ways to have a wonderful Easter. Let me discuss a few of them before I receive a lot of comments about how the Easter can be done on a budget. First of all, going to an Easter church service does not have to cost a cent. Spending time with friends and family does not have to cost money either. And kids can even write letters to The Easter Bunny for free. But if you want to have a special dinner or buy special gifts or treats for loved ones or yourself, you will need some money.
The point is that Easter represents a time for fresh beginnings. These beginnings include a lot of things, some have very deep spiritual connotations, but others focus more on the simple things like cleaning out clutter and freshening up our homes and yards. As you clean out you may choose to simply discard the old, or to donate it to charity, or to have a yard sale. Either way, the end result is the same – you end up with a cleaner environment that has less clutter in it. Ultimately your home has a sort of ‘new beginning’.
The truth is that if you live in an area that gets cold during the winter, you have probably had your home closed up for months with the intent of keeping it warm – and of course, saving on your utility expenses. But when we begin seeing the birds return and building their nests and flowers sprouting up from the ground, we are ready to freshen our homes. It is finally safe to open a window or two without fear of letting in freezing cold air.
If you happen to be planning to have guests stay in your home during the Easter holiday then you will surely want to do a little extra cleaning before their arrival. After all, you want your home to look good so that it will be more welcoming and a more comfortable place for your guests, but you also want to insure that you will have time to spend with your company without stressing about cleaning during their stay.
Because you are organizing and cleaning up you may decide that it is the perfect time to clean out some of the things you have accumulated over the last year or years. And because the weather is warmer you might want to have a yard sale with some of those items. This can be a great way to earn a little extra cash that can be used to add to your Easter fun.
After all, Easter is an enjoyable holiday because we spend time with friends and family and because it has a special meaning to us. But as unfortunate as it may be, the things we can do and provide for fun usually require money. And therefore, in some cases at least, the more money you have to spend the more fun you will have.
However, it is true that there are lots of inexpensive ways to have a wonderful Easter. Let me discuss a few of them before I receive a lot of comments about how the Easter can be done on a budget. First of all, going to an Easter church service does not have to cost a cent. Spending time with friends and family does not have to cost money either. And kids can even write letters to The Easter Bunny for free. But if you want to have a special dinner or buy special gifts or treats for loved ones or yourself, you will need some money.
The point is that Easter represents a time for fresh beginnings. These beginnings include a lot of things, some have very deep spiritual connotations, but others focus more on the simple things like cleaning out clutter and freshening up our homes and yards. As you clean out you may choose to simply discard the old, or to donate it to charity, or to have a yard sale. Either way, the end result is the same – you end up with a cleaner environment that has less clutter in it. Ultimately your home has a sort of ‘new beginning’.
Decorating For Easter
In years gone by we seldom saw any or at least very little decorating done for the Easter holiday. But nowadays, with the availability of beautiful craft and holiday supplies, we see more and more people are putting real effort into decorating for this wonderful event.
Easter symbolizes different things to different people, but almost universally we recognize that Easter relates to new beginnings. It offers an opportunity to begin again and it happens at a time of year in which we are enjoying new sprouting plants, trees budding out, flowers beginning to bloom, and the grass getting greener. With those things in mind, it is not surprising that many people choose to decorate their homes with flowers when preparing for Easter.
Of course, Easter has a religious foundation that cannot be ignored. During this time we notice churches’ are likely to decorate both inside and out in a way to honor the beginnings of the holiday and to remind us of the foundation or real reason for the holiday.
We also enjoy things like door and window decorations for the home and/or office. These often depict scenes of the adorable Easter Bunny. Children enjoy coloring pictures of the fabled rabbit and hanging them to decorate the walls of their home. Stores everywhere sell beautiful stickers and window clingers to make Easter decorating easier.
And as we have become accustomed to being more creative as well as more crafty and innovative with our decorations, our children expect more of themselves. Simply writing a letter to The Easter Bunny is not enough – children want to decorate the letters and envelopes with stickers, markers, and other items that add a creative touch.
Coloring Easter eggs has also become an art form of sorts. While it’s true that some children are still content with the basic primary pastel Easter egg colors, some are now demanding a more artful approach to coloring their eggs. In fact, many adults enjoy this Easter craft. Nowadays there are wonderful kits available for adding unique touches to Easter eggs. Another idea is to pull out the treasured craft box and use buttons and other small adornments to add a personalized touch to the eggs.
The Easter eggs will of course, need a beautiful basket to keep them safe. Baskets of all types are used and they can be decorated lovingly by either the adults in the home or the children themselves. Once again, buttons and other craft supplies can be used to make a basket more beautiful. The truth is that even a plain basket looks nice with a little ribbon and lace glued or tied on it.
We can use the store bought, artificial grass to line our baskets or we can be more creative and use fabric, or even tissues. After we have added our eggs most children want to add a special Easter Bunny letter, intended for him to find when he makes his visit.
The point is that you can get as carried away as you want with decorating for Easter. The more involved you become in the process the more you are likely to enjoy it and the more your children are likely to continue believing in The Easter Bunny. Start planning and decorating for Easter today!
Easter symbolizes different things to different people, but almost universally we recognize that Easter relates to new beginnings. It offers an opportunity to begin again and it happens at a time of year in which we are enjoying new sprouting plants, trees budding out, flowers beginning to bloom, and the grass getting greener. With those things in mind, it is not surprising that many people choose to decorate their homes with flowers when preparing for Easter.
Of course, Easter has a religious foundation that cannot be ignored. During this time we notice churches’ are likely to decorate both inside and out in a way to honor the beginnings of the holiday and to remind us of the foundation or real reason for the holiday.
We also enjoy things like door and window decorations for the home and/or office. These often depict scenes of the adorable Easter Bunny. Children enjoy coloring pictures of the fabled rabbit and hanging them to decorate the walls of their home. Stores everywhere sell beautiful stickers and window clingers to make Easter decorating easier.
And as we have become accustomed to being more creative as well as more crafty and innovative with our decorations, our children expect more of themselves. Simply writing a letter to The Easter Bunny is not enough – children want to decorate the letters and envelopes with stickers, markers, and other items that add a creative touch.
Coloring Easter eggs has also become an art form of sorts. While it’s true that some children are still content with the basic primary pastel Easter egg colors, some are now demanding a more artful approach to coloring their eggs. In fact, many adults enjoy this Easter craft. Nowadays there are wonderful kits available for adding unique touches to Easter eggs. Another idea is to pull out the treasured craft box and use buttons and other small adornments to add a personalized touch to the eggs.
The Easter eggs will of course, need a beautiful basket to keep them safe. Baskets of all types are used and they can be decorated lovingly by either the adults in the home or the children themselves. Once again, buttons and other craft supplies can be used to make a basket more beautiful. The truth is that even a plain basket looks nice with a little ribbon and lace glued or tied on it.
We can use the store bought, artificial grass to line our baskets or we can be more creative and use fabric, or even tissues. After we have added our eggs most children want to add a special Easter Bunny letter, intended for him to find when he makes his visit.
The point is that you can get as carried away as you want with decorating for Easter. The more involved you become in the process the more you are likely to enjoy it and the more your children are likely to continue believing in The Easter Bunny. Start planning and decorating for Easter today!
Planning For Easter Guests In Your Home
Let’s face it, any holiday is more fun if you can spend it with those you love. But if you are juggling a job, parenthood, or perhaps caring for an elderly parent or other loved one, leaving home to visit friends and family members living in another area may be next to impossible. The solution is, rather than not being with the people that you love during Easter, simply invite them to come and stay at your home.
While this fun begins with a simple invitation and a positive response, you may suddenly find yourself in a panic if you fail to properly prepare for the guests. One of the first things you want to consider is where your guests will sleep. If you have a guest bedroom then you are already a step ahead of the game.
Let’s begin there. Of course you will want to freshen the linens if they have not been changed recently – but I can hear you now. You’re saying that the bed hasn’t been used in months and the linens are clean. And of course, you are right – however, you have to admit that a freshly washed set of linens has a wonderful fragrance and will likely make the guest feel even more comfortable. The good news is though that you can now buy spray-on fabric fresheners. These products are quick and easy to use and they give fabrics of all types a wonderful scent.
So spend a little time in your guest room and consider what comforts of home you can provide to make the stay more enjoyable for your guests. Fresh flowers add a nice welcoming touch. You may also want to supply a few personal hygiene products and supplies. Examples of such items include a comb, brush, mirror, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
You may also want to hang a fresh bathrobe in a handy location. Another nice touch is a few magazines or catalogs that are kept in an easy to access location. You will want your guests to feel free to take a few breaks from activities and the room you have supplied will likely become their ‘quiet place’.
Supplying your guests with their own bathroom is ideal, but if that is not a possibility you can always provide a supply of towels and washcloths that they can easily find. Even if your bathroom supplies are conveniently located you have to keep in mind that your guests are guests and they should be treated that way.
Now we need to discuss the fact that Easter is a holiday with lots of traditions – many of which revolve around The Easter Bunny and children. And either you or your guests may have children so we will briefly talk about ways to make the occasion fun for kids and less hectic for adults.
Writing letters to The Easter Bunny is a common practice among children everywhere. You might want to plan ahead for this activity. Children appreciate nice paper and beautiful pens or markers when decorating their Easter Bunny letters. You might even consider purchasing a package of Easter stickers that can be used to adorn the letters.
If you want to make the holiday even more special you can plan ahead and order personalized Easter Bunny letters. These letters add a magical touch – both children and adults love them.
Another activity loved by children is the Easter egg coloring process. Be prepared for lots of fun and a little mess. And in case you have forgotten, children love to have an Easter egg search on Easter Sunday with those beautiful eggs. Just a word of caution – I suggest you use the inexpensive plastic Easter eggs for this purpose – especially if the Easter hunt will be carried out indoors. I once had an experience with one of those beautiful eggs never being found until the rottening odor led us to it!
The other primary concern will be the food you will serve your guests. Ideally you will not spend your time cooking and cleaning while your guests are left to entertain themselves. Instead, consider using a crock pot or preparing some wonderful one-dish type meals. Also keep in mind that your guests are likely to want in between meal snack and even a late night snack. Have a few things available and show your guests where to find them. Having a beautiful bowl of fruit handy is a nice touch. One other thought about food is insuring that you have food that will meet any special dietary needs or requirements.
Even if you miss a step or two in planning and preparing for your guests, Easter will be more fun just because you have them with you. It may be somewhat exhausting because the time is short and you want to pack so much into it. Just enjoy the controlled chaos and appreciate having the time to spend with your loved ones.
While this fun begins with a simple invitation and a positive response, you may suddenly find yourself in a panic if you fail to properly prepare for the guests. One of the first things you want to consider is where your guests will sleep. If you have a guest bedroom then you are already a step ahead of the game.
Let’s begin there. Of course you will want to freshen the linens if they have not been changed recently – but I can hear you now. You’re saying that the bed hasn’t been used in months and the linens are clean. And of course, you are right – however, you have to admit that a freshly washed set of linens has a wonderful fragrance and will likely make the guest feel even more comfortable. The good news is though that you can now buy spray-on fabric fresheners. These products are quick and easy to use and they give fabrics of all types a wonderful scent.
So spend a little time in your guest room and consider what comforts of home you can provide to make the stay more enjoyable for your guests. Fresh flowers add a nice welcoming touch. You may also want to supply a few personal hygiene products and supplies. Examples of such items include a comb, brush, mirror, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
You may also want to hang a fresh bathrobe in a handy location. Another nice touch is a few magazines or catalogs that are kept in an easy to access location. You will want your guests to feel free to take a few breaks from activities and the room you have supplied will likely become their ‘quiet place’.
Supplying your guests with their own bathroom is ideal, but if that is not a possibility you can always provide a supply of towels and washcloths that they can easily find. Even if your bathroom supplies are conveniently located you have to keep in mind that your guests are guests and they should be treated that way.
Now we need to discuss the fact that Easter is a holiday with lots of traditions – many of which revolve around The Easter Bunny and children. And either you or your guests may have children so we will briefly talk about ways to make the occasion fun for kids and less hectic for adults.
Writing letters to The Easter Bunny is a common practice among children everywhere. You might want to plan ahead for this activity. Children appreciate nice paper and beautiful pens or markers when decorating their Easter Bunny letters. You might even consider purchasing a package of Easter stickers that can be used to adorn the letters.
If you want to make the holiday even more special you can plan ahead and order personalized Easter Bunny letters. These letters add a magical touch – both children and adults love them.
Another activity loved by children is the Easter egg coloring process. Be prepared for lots of fun and a little mess. And in case you have forgotten, children love to have an Easter egg search on Easter Sunday with those beautiful eggs. Just a word of caution – I suggest you use the inexpensive plastic Easter eggs for this purpose – especially if the Easter hunt will be carried out indoors. I once had an experience with one of those beautiful eggs never being found until the rottening odor led us to it!
The other primary concern will be the food you will serve your guests. Ideally you will not spend your time cooking and cleaning while your guests are left to entertain themselves. Instead, consider using a crock pot or preparing some wonderful one-dish type meals. Also keep in mind that your guests are likely to want in between meal snack and even a late night snack. Have a few things available and show your guests where to find them. Having a beautiful bowl of fruit handy is a nice touch. One other thought about food is insuring that you have food that will meet any special dietary needs or requirements.
Even if you miss a step or two in planning and preparing for your guests, Easter will be more fun just because you have them with you. It may be somewhat exhausting because the time is short and you want to pack so much into it. Just enjoy the controlled chaos and appreciate having the time to spend with your loved ones.
Spending The Easter Holiday Away From Home With Loved Ones
Because Easter is such an important holiday many of us either travel to visit family and friends or we have guests in our homes for the holiday event. And in today’s busy world preparing for guests – or even traveling to visit can require detailed planning. That is, if we expect things to go as we would like.
First of all, if you are traveling to visit loved ones you already know that one of your priorities is determining when you go, how long you will stay, and how you will get there. As with any other traveling, the earlier you start planning the better. Make any needed reservations as early as possible. Start a list of things to do before you leave for your trip and things to take.
If you will be staying at the home of a loved one it is very nice if you can bring a gift for their hospitality and simply to convey your love. If you have children you will definitely want to plan ahead about how you will fit in planning for The Easter Bunny. This will include things like planning and preparing for the basket decorating and egg coloring.
Also, if your children write letters to The Easter Bunny you may want to consider having Peter Cottontail send the return letter from The Easter Bunny to the address you will be staying at. That will confirm to your children that the Easter Bunny can find them and deliver goodies for them, even if they are not at home.
But you will also want to prepare your friends or relatives for the fact that you have certain Easter traditions that you will need to continue, even while away from home. This is especially true if you will be staying with someone not accustomed to the joys of having children around during Easter. An example of an important detail to remind them of is the egg coloring process.
Those of us that have children know what to expect with this process. The truth is, it can be rather messy. But the fun that the children have in creating their beautiful eggs makes the process worthwhile, mess and all.
Providing your loved ones with a gentle warning that your children may also be writing and receiving personalized letters from The Easter Bunny during the visit can also be helpful. After all, you have gone to the trouble of insuring that The Easter Bunny letter will arrive as it should, you really don’t want to blow the surprise or your secret identity as The Easter Bunny at the last minute.
Depending on your relationship and personal traditions, you may or may not need to plan ahead for the special Easter activities that are not focused on your children and The Easter Bunny. For example, you may want to consider whether or not you will be attending a church service on Easter Sunday. This will likely mean bringing along a dressy outfit for everyone.
Another consideration is the traditional Easter Sunday dinner. You may want to bring along any favorite or secret ingredients or recipes. Celebrating Easter with loved ones can make the holiday even more special. Why not consider inviting your loved ones to visit in your home next year? That will give you an opportunity to show them how welcoming you can be and you can share any special family traditions that could not be carried out during your visit.
First of all, if you are traveling to visit loved ones you already know that one of your priorities is determining when you go, how long you will stay, and how you will get there. As with any other traveling, the earlier you start planning the better. Make any needed reservations as early as possible. Start a list of things to do before you leave for your trip and things to take.
If you will be staying at the home of a loved one it is very nice if you can bring a gift for their hospitality and simply to convey your love. If you have children you will definitely want to plan ahead about how you will fit in planning for The Easter Bunny. This will include things like planning and preparing for the basket decorating and egg coloring.
Also, if your children write letters to The Easter Bunny you may want to consider having Peter Cottontail send the return letter from The Easter Bunny to the address you will be staying at. That will confirm to your children that the Easter Bunny can find them and deliver goodies for them, even if they are not at home.
But you will also want to prepare your friends or relatives for the fact that you have certain Easter traditions that you will need to continue, even while away from home. This is especially true if you will be staying with someone not accustomed to the joys of having children around during Easter. An example of an important detail to remind them of is the egg coloring process.
Those of us that have children know what to expect with this process. The truth is, it can be rather messy. But the fun that the children have in creating their beautiful eggs makes the process worthwhile, mess and all.
Providing your loved ones with a gentle warning that your children may also be writing and receiving personalized letters from The Easter Bunny during the visit can also be helpful. After all, you have gone to the trouble of insuring that The Easter Bunny letter will arrive as it should, you really don’t want to blow the surprise or your secret identity as The Easter Bunny at the last minute.
Depending on your relationship and personal traditions, you may or may not need to plan ahead for the special Easter activities that are not focused on your children and The Easter Bunny. For example, you may want to consider whether or not you will be attending a church service on Easter Sunday. This will likely mean bringing along a dressy outfit for everyone.
Another consideration is the traditional Easter Sunday dinner. You may want to bring along any favorite or secret ingredients or recipes. Celebrating Easter with loved ones can make the holiday even more special. Why not consider inviting your loved ones to visit in your home next year? That will give you an opportunity to show them how welcoming you can be and you can share any special family traditions that could not be carried out during your visit.
The Easter Bunny – Why do They Give Out Easter Bunny Letters?
It’s getting close to Easter time so it is not surprising that most kids are beginning to think about the Easter Bunny and writing letters to him. Just yesterday a child from my neighborhood asked me some simple, yet difficult to answer questions. To begin he wanted to know why other animals don’t deliver Easter candy, treats and letters during Easter? This little boy was full of questions about Easter and the Easter Bunny. Of course, some of the information I could provide but other things he asked I really wasn’t sure about. This was the first time that I had been asked so many things about Easter and the Easter Bunny. I was stunned and not quite sure what to say.
Most of you probably have been wondering why it is that Easter candy and treats are delivered by a rabbit. After all, there are hundreds of other animals that could have been the Easter holiday hero. Why is Easter all about Easter Bunny letters and eggs? Here is what I’ve found out.
Easter is the season where winter ends, and it marks the beginning of spring. For religious events, this is also the time where people would celebrate and commemorate on the re-birth of the Savior. Easter is actually a combination of the different cultures and traditions from other countries. No matter what their reason for celebrating Easter is – it just symbolizes and gives everyone a single meaning – hope.
This four letter word is a short word, yet a very powerful one. The winter has passed, and the beginning of spring is due to people’s hopes and dreams. Although not so many people realize it, or even if they would claim that there is no such thing as hope, it is still within them. Hope is the thing that even makes everyone get out of bed in the morning. Just reflect on these things, and you will understand what I am saying.
Since Easter is all about hope, re-birth and the start of a new beginning, eggs are the best thing that can symbolize these three things. Eggs simply indicate that something new is about to come and something fresh is about to be experienced. Eggs are also the symbol of fertility, and the birth of someone and bunnies simply indicate cleanliness and a jolly start – that is what the Easter bunny and eggs came from.
For the Easter Bunny letters, it is something that can give kids inspirational messages – even though most parents do not understand, Easter letters would give children that new hope and make them find life more interesting than they could have ever imagined. This Easter be sure to tell the children in your life what a good job they are doing on a daily basis – this can refer to almost anything. This Easter, be sure that everyone important to you knows that they are valued and loved and let them know that hope is a big part of Easter.
H – Happiness
O – Open-minded & Optimistic
P – Peace
E – Easter
Most of you probably have been wondering why it is that Easter candy and treats are delivered by a rabbit. After all, there are hundreds of other animals that could have been the Easter holiday hero. Why is Easter all about Easter Bunny letters and eggs? Here is what I’ve found out.
Easter is the season where winter ends, and it marks the beginning of spring. For religious events, this is also the time where people would celebrate and commemorate on the re-birth of the Savior. Easter is actually a combination of the different cultures and traditions from other countries. No matter what their reason for celebrating Easter is – it just symbolizes and gives everyone a single meaning – hope.
This four letter word is a short word, yet a very powerful one. The winter has passed, and the beginning of spring is due to people’s hopes and dreams. Although not so many people realize it, or even if they would claim that there is no such thing as hope, it is still within them. Hope is the thing that even makes everyone get out of bed in the morning. Just reflect on these things, and you will understand what I am saying.
Since Easter is all about hope, re-birth and the start of a new beginning, eggs are the best thing that can symbolize these three things. Eggs simply indicate that something new is about to come and something fresh is about to be experienced. Eggs are also the symbol of fertility, and the birth of someone and bunnies simply indicate cleanliness and a jolly start – that is what the Easter bunny and eggs came from.
For the Easter Bunny letters, it is something that can give kids inspirational messages – even though most parents do not understand, Easter letters would give children that new hope and make them find life more interesting than they could have ever imagined. This Easter be sure to tell the children in your life what a good job they are doing on a daily basis – this can refer to almost anything. This Easter, be sure that everyone important to you knows that they are valued and loved and let them know that hope is a big part of Easter.
H – Happiness
O – Open-minded & Optimistic
P – Peace
E – Easter
Small Toys from Santa and Letter from the Easter Bunny
Children are the best creatures that have been made by God. Someone said that the whole future of the world relies on our little innocent children – I know it sounds like an enormous task and an impossible one in some ways, but just like our generation has done, they will do fine. Okay – we are not going to get political here! Lol Let’s get back to the kids… It seems that their innocence in some ways makes them more vulnerable but at the same time, it is this trait that can also make them more intelligent than most adults in a lot of ways.
Would you believe that many adults in the business world have been getting their inspiration from these little children? It may be hard to believe at first, but if you would simply read different articles, press releases and inspiring stories, these children have made a huge difference to the world. You may say, I am crazy or I must have already lost my mind – but no. Later on, you will realize that all these things make complete sense.
If you would ask me, I think that children are the best models that adults can look upon. Although they are playful at times, there is no reason for you to get mad at them, or even lose your patience with them. If you would just look deeper – look inside their hearts, you would greatly realize that there is more than just being playful.
Just imagine, these little kids don’t have too much in their life when compared to adults that have expensive belongings, fancy clothes, and a source of income. These adults likely have already achieved most of everything these children can dream of. But even with a wonderful job, a nice car, a stable source of income and even someone to share their life with many adults still do not find happiness – they continue to want more. When a gift is received they sometimes secretly wish that it had been a little bit better.
Yet small children are usually grateful if they have received small toys and gifts, candy, and even a letter from The Easter Bunny. Just imagine, with these toys and candies that they have received, they are already contented with what they have. On the other hand, some adults will be dissatisfied this Easter because they didn’t have the perfect dinner or maybe they didn’t get a new Easter outfit to wear.
What does this denote? It is simple.
Kids from all over the world, enjoy and appreciate all the blessings that they have received, whether it is a small present from Santa, or an inspiring message or letter from The Easter Bunny. If these wonderful creations can be contented in receiving a letter from The Easter Bunny, then why can’t adults who already have so much more? The message is clear: every single blessing in life should be appreciated, it should not be taken for granted, nor should it be ignored. It should be cherished – even the simplest things may make a huge difference in your life.
Would you believe that many adults in the business world have been getting their inspiration from these little children? It may be hard to believe at first, but if you would simply read different articles, press releases and inspiring stories, these children have made a huge difference to the world. You may say, I am crazy or I must have already lost my mind – but no. Later on, you will realize that all these things make complete sense.
If you would ask me, I think that children are the best models that adults can look upon. Although they are playful at times, there is no reason for you to get mad at them, or even lose your patience with them. If you would just look deeper – look inside their hearts, you would greatly realize that there is more than just being playful.
Just imagine, these little kids don’t have too much in their life when compared to adults that have expensive belongings, fancy clothes, and a source of income. These adults likely have already achieved most of everything these children can dream of. But even with a wonderful job, a nice car, a stable source of income and even someone to share their life with many adults still do not find happiness – they continue to want more. When a gift is received they sometimes secretly wish that it had been a little bit better.
Yet small children are usually grateful if they have received small toys and gifts, candy, and even a letter from The Easter Bunny. Just imagine, with these toys and candies that they have received, they are already contented with what they have. On the other hand, some adults will be dissatisfied this Easter because they didn’t have the perfect dinner or maybe they didn’t get a new Easter outfit to wear.
What does this denote? It is simple.
Kids from all over the world, enjoy and appreciate all the blessings that they have received, whether it is a small present from Santa, or an inspiring message or letter from The Easter Bunny. If these wonderful creations can be contented in receiving a letter from The Easter Bunny, then why can’t adults who already have so much more? The message is clear: every single blessing in life should be appreciated, it should not be taken for granted, nor should it be ignored. It should be cherished – even the simplest things may make a huge difference in your life.
How to Prepare Your Personalized Easter Bunny Letters and Celebrate Easter Sunday Dinner Without Stressing Yourself Too Much
Saturday before Easter day, most Moms like me have our hands tied on decorating the whole place with Easter decorations, and at the same time, thinking about the different meals to prepare for our Easter Sunday dinner. It has long been a tradition for my family not to plan anything on that particular day. For us, Easter is a day that brings everyone a new hope – a new tomorrow, a brand new beginning. This is the season that the birds come out from their hibernating place, the grass is turning a beautiful shade of green, flowers are beginning to bloom and trees are budding out – we love to welcome the spring.
Doing all of this, it is totally understandable that most Moms are having a hard time preparing everything on this very special day. If you are someone who already has your hands full and you are feeling stressed about the whole Easter Sunday preparation, here are some tips that can help you out.
1. One week before Easter Sunday, make sure that you have your plans made for Easter. For example, write all of the activities that you intend to do. Having a checklist may be of great help too. You can also make a checklist of the things that you have to buy and at the same time, the kind of decorations that you would be putting up. For example, for this year, maybe you plan to have an Easter egg hunt for both adults and children. Make sure that you have materials that you need for the egg baskets (if you intend to make them on your own), the paper that you would use to write those personalized letters to The Easter Bunny on and even the small treats for your children. Make sure that you have enough budget for this occasion. You don’t want to run short and end up not having everything you wanted to make the holiday special for the kids.
2. Perhaps after a day or two you can start shopping for the items in your checklist. On that same night, you may also decide it’s time for the kids to write their personalized Easter bunny letters. Remember, that most kids have been writing these letters all along, with or without your knowledge and they always hope to receive personalized Easter bunny letters, the real tip is to order those letters so you and your children can enjoy them. They will be the highlight of the holiday!
3. No later than the day before the Easter Sunday, you can go to the groceries and purchase your ingredient for your Easter Sunday dinner. Remember that it does not need to be a gourmet meal – even the simplest meals would do. It is the bond between you, your spouse, your kids and other family members that matters. You can just add some special messages along with your meals, perhaps a letter or an inspiring message before you eat your traditional Easter Sunday Dinner.
4. Kids are likely to wake up very early on Easter Sunday. Make sure that all of your preparations are done the night before or you will need to get up extremely early to beat them! Insure that the decorations, eggs and other items are ready.
Doing all of this, it is totally understandable that most Moms are having a hard time preparing everything on this very special day. If you are someone who already has your hands full and you are feeling stressed about the whole Easter Sunday preparation, here are some tips that can help you out.
1. One week before Easter Sunday, make sure that you have your plans made for Easter. For example, write all of the activities that you intend to do. Having a checklist may be of great help too. You can also make a checklist of the things that you have to buy and at the same time, the kind of decorations that you would be putting up. For example, for this year, maybe you plan to have an Easter egg hunt for both adults and children. Make sure that you have materials that you need for the egg baskets (if you intend to make them on your own), the paper that you would use to write those personalized letters to The Easter Bunny on and even the small treats for your children. Make sure that you have enough budget for this occasion. You don’t want to run short and end up not having everything you wanted to make the holiday special for the kids.
2. Perhaps after a day or two you can start shopping for the items in your checklist. On that same night, you may also decide it’s time for the kids to write their personalized Easter bunny letters. Remember, that most kids have been writing these letters all along, with or without your knowledge and they always hope to receive personalized Easter bunny letters, the real tip is to order those letters so you and your children can enjoy them. They will be the highlight of the holiday!
3. No later than the day before the Easter Sunday, you can go to the groceries and purchase your ingredient for your Easter Sunday dinner. Remember that it does not need to be a gourmet meal – even the simplest meals would do. It is the bond between you, your spouse, your kids and other family members that matters. You can just add some special messages along with your meals, perhaps a letter or an inspiring message before you eat your traditional Easter Sunday Dinner.
4. Kids are likely to wake up very early on Easter Sunday. Make sure that all of your preparations are done the night before or you will need to get up extremely early to beat them! Insure that the decorations, eggs and other items are ready.
Easter Egg Hunt – How Children Anticipate Finding Candies and an Easter Bunny Letter
Easter signifies the beginning of something new – it can symbolize spring, re-birth of the Lord Jesus Christ for religious activities, or something that reminds everyone about hope. Many people enjoy celebrating this very special Sunday in traditional ways – but preparing for this very special occasion is not as easy as it sounds. Adults will have to decorate the whole place with an Easter theme – fresh flowers, meals and even a program or plan for that special day.
If adults have been anticipating this day with a sense of responsibility children are on the other end of the spectrum. They are so excited and have been waiting for this day to come fast. With the belief that they will receive candy and an Easter Bunny letter, kids consider this holiday almost as big as Christmas. The truth is though, that Easter is less of a hassle for parents than Christmas is. After all, a basket of candy and treats and a simple bunny letter can make day go perfect. This should serve as an example to most people – that like kids, all the things in life should be enjoyed, no matter how simple or little it is. Isn’t it wonderful? That these little children are the ones that have been teaching most adults and they are the ones that serve as an inspiration to have hope – and even enjoy all the best things that life has to offer.
To give your kids more hope and make them enjoy this occasion, aside from the traditional Easter bunny letter, you would also want to invite them on an Easter egg hunt. How does that sound? There are many variations of Easter egg hunting, and one of the most common is leaving these Easter baskets with an Easter Bunny letter for kids to find. Instead of the traditional egg hunting, you can make some trails of eggs, and inside those eggs are some clues that will help them find the basket easily – a basket that is full of goodies and surprises from the Easter Bunny!
If you don’t like the idea of stuffing the basket with candy, you can also include some stickers, bubble gum, or pieces of candies inside the Easter egg and scatter these eggs all over the place. This is commonly called a scavenger hunt. After the children have found these eggs, make sure that you have additional prizes for them, including an Easter Bunny letter to make their day brighter. PackageFromTheEasterBunny.com offers the ideal Easter Bunny letter package – both you and the kids will love it.
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