Around Easter I always take my kids to the park to the feed the ducks. At the park near our house there are beautiful spring gardens. We pack up a lunch and of course plenty of bread to feed to the ducks. It is usually an all day event so we all have to pitch in. We also use this time write our letters to The Easter Bunny.
It still takes my breath away when the gardens first come into view. Along the road through the park are scattered bunches of cheery yellow daffodils. A cluster of lilac bushes perfume the air with their heavenly scent. I park our car under the canopy of a silvery birch tree spotted with lime green spring leaves.
After being coped up in the house all winter we are all anxious to get out and be in the fresh spring air. While the kids are running around the playground I spread out a blanket for us all to sit on. Sally carries the bag with all the supplies for our letters to The Easter Bunny. Last year was just like any other year. The boys put together the kites they had brought with them. In no time they had those kites dancing high up in the air.
The older girls took Sally with them to walk around the pond. They wanted to gather a couple of braches from the lilac bushes to take back home. The boys were tossing bits of bread in the pond for ducks. It brought me joy to watch my kids all playing and getting along so well.
After awhile they ended up back at the blanket ready to eat. While we ate our lunch we talked about sending letters to The Easter Bunny. The sun filtered down through branches of trees and waxy white lily of the valley nodded their pearly heads around the trunks. Even my older kids were excited. We finished our meal and worked together to clean up the mess.
Next we got out our papers and pastel pens. Slowly their chatter ended while they worked on their letters. You could tell by the looks on their faces they were really concentrating on what they were writing. One by one they finished and neatly sealed the letters in pale colored envelopes. On the front in their best handwriting they wrote The Easter Bunny’s address.
Each year as my children get older the more special our spring trip to the park becomes. I will always have the memories from the days when going to the park to write letters to The Easter Bunny filled them with so much joy. I hope the memories we make at the park are carried in their hearts for the rest of their lives.
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